George Wedlake

We asked George...

What is your DJ name?

George Wedlake

What do you do at Sound Radio?

Host the weekday afternoon show. 1-4. Monday-Friday. Tell your mates.

Do you consider yourself a lemon or a lime? Why?

A lemon. The Stone Roses’ logo is a lemon and they’re potentially the greatest band of all time.

What is your superpower?

I’m quite good at catching.

Who is your favourite artist?

The Beatles

What is your favourite Album?

Revolver. By The Beatles. How do you come up with that in 1966? Way ahead of it’s time.

What are you listening to currently?

lechyd Da - Bill Ryder-Jones. Magical.

What three things would you do if you were invisible?

1. Sneak into gigs and football matches for free.

2. Stop wearing uncomfortable shoes in an attempt to look mildly cool.

3. Act like a poltergeist and freak people out who’ve p***ed me off.

What is the best prank you’ve experienced or planned?

The only prank I can think of is one where I was the victim. As a child, my dad told me he was once a professional footballer who played for Brighton & Hove Albion and had to retire early due to injury. I believed this for years. Turns out he just made it up one day and kept it going. He’s a plasterer by the way.

Tell us a weird fact you happen to know for no reason.

‘Song 2’ by Blur is 2:02 in duration, track #2 from their second album and reached #2 in the charts.

If you could take one prop from any movie set, what would it be?

From Spinal Tap, Nigel Tufnel’s amp.

Tell us your favourite joke.

“I’ve just got a new job at the bowling alley”
“Oh, nice one! Ten-pin?”
“No, it’s a permanent position”

What is your favourite food?

A decent pizza.

What is your favourite drink?

I don’t want to be one of those guys but probably would have to say beer.

When you are not spinning tunes, what else do you get up to?

Spend time with my family and friends, play guitar and go to gigs and the football.

You can catch George:
Mon-Fri 1-4pm Playing more music for your afternoon to make work go quicker!
Sun 10-1pm Playing more music while you sort the Sunday roast!

Smart Speaker